To: Winter From: Winter
FLAAASSHBAAACK! Ok so aside from one of the biggest elections by far in History and all the exhausting news events that is still happening across the globe, I want to remember some of the most happiest moments in current time, stamp it for the record as new memories and run the distance with it.
Personally my entire 2024 was more like a Winter hibernation of extra resting, reflecting, purging and more purging. I tell you it was not easy for someone like myself who's always on the go with heavy weights upon my shoulders to drag along. However straight from the very beginning of Winter '24, I had been allowing myself to get things started on a clean slate. Now the first thing everyone thinks when they hear the word "hibernation" is: being closed off into some cave (ones comfort zone), eating whatever is stocked up from the past months and sleeping all day. Well, I'm here to tell you that I am not a bear of any kind and my hibernation is a bit different; better yet productive as I made time to sneak out, play and enjoy the environment a little something.
Feeling like a toddler who throws tantrums wanting to get away with any & everything, I caught some rude awakenings as I tried to overdue select things and man I tell you, it was rude. The funny part is what came along with these awakenings, which was a load of reflections reminding me of past similarities and how I handled those situations back then at that time, to now comparing it by slightly thinking first and handling these situations in a total different manner. Now hear me when I say this, "I've always been the smooth type" and that's not even bragging but I mean, 'man oh man' it was just so smooth on how life played out when I was confronted with something like deja vu.
As the poetically soulful rap artist AJ McQueen sang, "its the root, yeah its the routine" I began to realize that each time a repeat of something popped up without me taking notice of it right away, I found myself being forced into hermit mode making me sit down strictly for reflections.
Even though all I wanted to do was continue my regular patterns that truthfully wasn't quite cutting it for real, I would always push myself to making it all work out. This was a force to be reckoned with implying for me to embrace solitude/ hibernation/ isolation or whatever you would like to call it and just allow it to take place in order to rid all of the trash that had attachments to past situations and patterns. Again more unexpected pop up's that would usually get under my skin, had something like this "perfect timing" to accept losses or shall I say, "purges" in order to make extra room for new things to flow inward. Crazy how shortly beforehand this whole idea of blogging had surfaced in order to help me declutter my mind as a kick-start to being more expressive. Yeah these roots of mines had to be re-rooted, which pushed me into releasing my apartment that was never built on a solid foundation (at least for me specifically anyway). I had to accept rejection from brands within my median of fashion, who not only denied me but considered me overqualified; like uuuh, who does that? I had to remember to prescreen each and every thing, every place and everyone ahead of time, reminding myself to not be dismissive of all the red flags. I had to hang up the whole idea of seeing this quote on quote "potential" because guess what, some things are just not purposeful and honestly can be a waste of time. Yet the toughest part was taking all that I encountered and adding ease instead of making things hard for myself. Certainly I would take it like a champ because the hard route was always normal in my book, although I never liked how it actually felt; so I've been learning to embrace softness a little bit throughout the year of 2024.
While taking these challenges with ease I also found myself creeping into other old patterns like overthinking. And as an overthinker, this truly gave me some much needed time to not think; I mean literally GOD whispered into my ear many times saying "STOP thinking". Thee Divine gave me a compass with specific directions to create a few new life patterns literally starting from scratch; just to say the least cause that's a whole 'nother story. Meanwhile at the same time, all the reflections were reminders to not repeat the same old things that I've already experienced. Maybe just a few that had been beneficial to the well being of all parties involved and actually helped with expansion to ones mission and/or overall goals, but certainly not all experiences are like that. As a Winter born child this made me dive deeper into why hibernation is essential, giving me the opportunity to realign my senses with all four seasons and its overall purpose. This time was to rediscover everything that I had put into preparation over the years. It allowed me some leg room to realign my priorities and take further action towards my long-term goals. I'll say, its been a great deal of clarification on what truly matters within my life, as for I am one with nature and nature is beyond amazing. This key lesson made me hone into my values even more in which requires serenity, persistence and a ton of patience. I'll also say that grateful ain't even the word, yet profoundly thee Divine gets all the glory for humbling me with a word every time I'm in need of one. Including this very word stating:
"to remember that life is a marathon and only sprinters react on GO GO GO mode causing tiresome within short distances".
So certainly, I'll be enjoying all of my naps and relaxation throughout hibernation when I'm called to do so, while pepper stepping into '25 with further resourcefulness, mindful choices and a vibrant community centered around frugal living.
If this is your first time catching wind of my short stories, "what's happening?" Thanks for tuning in as a reader and know that this is still the beginning stages of my new life's path. I'll make the suggestion to binge the catalog of "It Was Written" just so you have more of a clear direction to where I'm headed on this path that I'm creating. Follow my journey throughout my social handles as for this is only the written portion from within and the external is usually the visual perspective.
And to my Day 1's u already know, it'll always be Love, Smooches & BIG HUGS! Continue to Stay All The Way Up!
And until next time, One Love 🤞🏽🖤
Ms. Blaque